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About Us

At Oranje NY, we understand that change is not always easy. Since 2004, we’ve been helping companies of all sizes respond to industry transitions in order to stay competitive. Our years of experience have taught us to always make your business success our priority.

Our wide range of services and passion for technology gives us, and in return you, the edge in getting the most out of your technology.


Our team of experts is ready to help you develop strategies for not only surviving, but thriving in the future. Give us a call today to set up your first consultation.

"The most expensive solution isn't always the best one, as many firms will have you believe and we are a big proponent of that theory." 

Gal, Proprietor of Oranje NY

Laptop and Notebook
Computer Programming


Simplify IT for people. Bringing you closer to, and making you feel more comfortable with using technology. 


Our vision for technical support is to provide comprehensive cyber security solutions that simplify IT and support people's needs ahead of time. We want to help our customers protect their data and systems while providing them with the best tools available to streamline their processes. We strive to stay ahead of the curve in terms of emerging technologies so that our customers are always up-to-date with the most recent security measures. We believe that by delivering top-notch technical support and anticipating our customers' future needs, we can help them achieve their goals.

Image by Taylor Vick
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